What are you doing to take care of your body? Fitness at any age is necessary and the more fun you have with it the more you will carry on your fitness traditions as you age. I have learned to channel my stress through my workouts. If you have a job that involves stress; working out at the end of your day helps you release that stress...when I get home I feel more alive and full of energy.
Tell us what you do make working out fun?
We evolve each and every day...For me it's about growing and learning from each other...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The One Flaw in Women...
Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships
and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy, and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don’t take “no” for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel,
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong
when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They’ll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show
how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.
However, if there is one flaw in women, it is this;
They forget their worth and how remarkable they truly are!
and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy, and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don’t take “no” for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel,
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong
when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They’ll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show
how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.
However, if there is one flaw in women, it is this;
They forget their worth and how remarkable they truly are!
Friday, July 30, 2010
It's A Small World After All...
This is a great story...One of my favorite sayings is 'be careful who you step on during your climb to the top...you never know if you will need them on your fall back down.'
As they waited to be called into the courtroom, two men were discussing their jury duty assignments. Both were teachers. Juror #1 relayed how glad he was that he was able to get a substitute and didn’t have to ask the assistant principal to stand in. Juror #2 complained, “The assistant principal at my school couldn’t run my class if she wanted to. She doesn’t even have her teaching credentials!”
Juror #1 sensed that he was about to get an earful so he quickly asked, “Do you by any chance work at Lakeview High School?” Juror #2 said that he did. Juror #1 replied, “You must be talking about Elaine. She’s my wife.”
Talk about an awkward situation! Like Juror #2, too few people realize that what they say and do can offend people and will likely have a ripple effect on their lives. It may be for a week, or it may be for a lifetime.
It’s a Small World After All
At the heart of today’s lesson is the reality that it is indeed a small world. What’s more, the pervasiveness of the Internet in our personal and professional lives has shrunk our world even smaller. As a case in point, I’ve seen statistics ranging from 50% to 70% relating to the percentage of employers who now Google prospective employees.
By now, everyone has heard the career advice, “Don’t burn bridges,” and “Never say anything bad about a former employer in an interview.” I would go a step further and tell you, “Do not burn bridges in any area of your life. Period!”
Consider a few of these very plausible situations:
The elderly person whose tire you change on the side of the road may be the brother of the chairman of the board at your company. This act of service may be the difference in getting that next promotion.
The hostess at your favorite restaurant whom you always treat respectfully may be the daughter of your most valued prospective client.
The neighbor you wave to and smile at every morning may be the person in charge of hiring for that job you really want.
On the other hand:
The woman at the club whom you have treated with a cold shoulder may be the wife of your husbands most important customer.
The man standing behind you in the grocery store who heard you being disrespectful to the cashier may be one of the business leaders on the scholarship committee at your daughter’s school.
The coworker you excluded and made feel unwelcome at your last job may be best friends with your new boss.
The older I get, the more of these small-world “coincidences” I see. I have come to understand and appreciate that we live in a connected world, and these connections play a vital role in our lives.
Reputation 101
The truth is you never know who someone knows or whether they might enter your life again at a future date. Why risk alienating anyone? Besides not being a nice thing to do, it can have devastating effects on your reputation.
Every interaction you have with someone does one of two things: it helps your reputation, or it hurts your reputation. Here’s a perfect example.
One evening I was in a hurry to get home for an important call when I pulled into my residential area behind a car that was going 10 MPH in a 25 MPH zone. I wanted to honk, yell, and flash my lights at the slow poke that was making me late for my call. Moment after agonizing moment passed as I followed him down street after street. Still this driver did not turn off. This continued right up to my neighbor’s driveway. You guessed it. The driver was my neighbor who wasn’t feeling well that evening. As a new neighbor, I did not recognize his car.
Had I given in to my impulses and honked, or gotten irritated and sped around him, my actions could have negatively affected my neighbor’s view of me. As a man of influence in the community, who knows what the ripple effect could have been.
Time for a Checkup
Your reputation is a life-long accumulation of your actions and your interactions with the people around you. What does your reputation say about you today? What would your neighbors, co-workers or business acquaintances say about you if they were asked for a personal recommendation?
Have you burned bridges in your past? Most of us have at one time or another, but it is possible—and advisable—to make amends. Oftentimes, when you go out of your way to restore a previously damaged relationship, you make a stronger, more favorable impression than if you were to let “sleeping dogs lie.”
Take some time today to do a self-examination of your reputation. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know right away in which areas you need to improve. And again, if you have burned a few bridges in your past, perhaps it’s time to restore some of those damaged relationships. At least make the effort. You’ll feel better about yourself and who knows, you may be doing yourself a favor. It’s a small world!
Build a personal reputation that speaks for you when you are not around.
About the Author:
Todd Smith is a successful entrepreneur of 29 years and founder of Little Things Matter.
As they waited to be called into the courtroom, two men were discussing their jury duty assignments. Both were teachers. Juror #1 relayed how glad he was that he was able to get a substitute and didn’t have to ask the assistant principal to stand in. Juror #2 complained, “The assistant principal at my school couldn’t run my class if she wanted to. She doesn’t even have her teaching credentials!”
Juror #1 sensed that he was about to get an earful so he quickly asked, “Do you by any chance work at Lakeview High School?” Juror #2 said that he did. Juror #1 replied, “You must be talking about Elaine. She’s my wife.”
Talk about an awkward situation! Like Juror #2, too few people realize that what they say and do can offend people and will likely have a ripple effect on their lives. It may be for a week, or it may be for a lifetime.
It’s a Small World After All
At the heart of today’s lesson is the reality that it is indeed a small world. What’s more, the pervasiveness of the Internet in our personal and professional lives has shrunk our world even smaller. As a case in point, I’ve seen statistics ranging from 50% to 70% relating to the percentage of employers who now Google prospective employees.
By now, everyone has heard the career advice, “Don’t burn bridges,” and “Never say anything bad about a former employer in an interview.” I would go a step further and tell you, “Do not burn bridges in any area of your life. Period!”
Consider a few of these very plausible situations:
The elderly person whose tire you change on the side of the road may be the brother of the chairman of the board at your company. This act of service may be the difference in getting that next promotion.
The hostess at your favorite restaurant whom you always treat respectfully may be the daughter of your most valued prospective client.
The neighbor you wave to and smile at every morning may be the person in charge of hiring for that job you really want.
On the other hand:
The woman at the club whom you have treated with a cold shoulder may be the wife of your husbands most important customer.
The man standing behind you in the grocery store who heard you being disrespectful to the cashier may be one of the business leaders on the scholarship committee at your daughter’s school.
The coworker you excluded and made feel unwelcome at your last job may be best friends with your new boss.
The older I get, the more of these small-world “coincidences” I see. I have come to understand and appreciate that we live in a connected world, and these connections play a vital role in our lives.
Reputation 101
The truth is you never know who someone knows or whether they might enter your life again at a future date. Why risk alienating anyone? Besides not being a nice thing to do, it can have devastating effects on your reputation.
Every interaction you have with someone does one of two things: it helps your reputation, or it hurts your reputation. Here’s a perfect example.
One evening I was in a hurry to get home for an important call when I pulled into my residential area behind a car that was going 10 MPH in a 25 MPH zone. I wanted to honk, yell, and flash my lights at the slow poke that was making me late for my call. Moment after agonizing moment passed as I followed him down street after street. Still this driver did not turn off. This continued right up to my neighbor’s driveway. You guessed it. The driver was my neighbor who wasn’t feeling well that evening. As a new neighbor, I did not recognize his car.
Had I given in to my impulses and honked, or gotten irritated and sped around him, my actions could have negatively affected my neighbor’s view of me. As a man of influence in the community, who knows what the ripple effect could have been.
Time for a Checkup
Your reputation is a life-long accumulation of your actions and your interactions with the people around you. What does your reputation say about you today? What would your neighbors, co-workers or business acquaintances say about you if they were asked for a personal recommendation?
Have you burned bridges in your past? Most of us have at one time or another, but it is possible—and advisable—to make amends. Oftentimes, when you go out of your way to restore a previously damaged relationship, you make a stronger, more favorable impression than if you were to let “sleeping dogs lie.”
Take some time today to do a self-examination of your reputation. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know right away in which areas you need to improve. And again, if you have burned a few bridges in your past, perhaps it’s time to restore some of those damaged relationships. At least make the effort. You’ll feel better about yourself and who knows, you may be doing yourself a favor. It’s a small world!
Build a personal reputation that speaks for you when you are not around.
About the Author:
Todd Smith is a successful entrepreneur of 29 years and founder of Little Things Matter.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happiness Is A Choice!
“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”...Anonymous
Listen to this in Podcast Format!
Although it may be tempting to dismiss a call to happiness during this time of worldwide struggle and strife as overly optimistic or too simplistic, let me tell you now that I believe this is the perfect time for a reminder that when it comes to happiness, all of us have a choice.
In fact, choosing to be happy is one of the very few essential decisions that we get to keep regardless of age, stage of life, or present situation. It’s a decision that can’t be taken away, and no one else can make it for you.
Each one of us gets to choose, every single moment of every day, whether or not we decide to be happy.
It Pays to Be Happy
When we choose to be happy, the rewards are truly great. First and foremost, happy people are more likable and desirable to be around. Isn’t it amazing how we’re drawn to people with sunny dispositions? One of the many consequences of this phenomenon of human nature is that happy people regularly benefit from the enthusiastic help and cooperation of others.
Secondly, happy people consistently report an improved quality of life. They enjoy life and everything in it more than people who aren’t happy.
I can personally attest to the connection between happiness and improved quality of life. Many years ago, I decided that I would be intentional about choosing to be happy. I didn’t just say I wanted to be happy, I found out what I needed to do to make happiness a daily reality for me.
Nine Choices Happy People Make
In their book, How We Choose to Be Happy: The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People, authors Rick Foster and Greg Hicks present the results of interviews with happy people all over the world, from all walks of life. They found and wrote about nine specific choices commonly made by happy people. As you can see, most of these are things we already know about, and may even already practice.
The key, as I discussed in What is Easy to Do is Not Easy to Do, is to use your personal initiative to do the little things that are easy to do, and do them consistently. Here’s the list of choices that Foster and Hicks came up with:
1. Intend to Be Happy. This is the fully conscious decision to choose happiness over unhappiness. Check out Learn to Enjoy What You Don’t Enjoy.
2. Be Accountable. You make the choice to assume full personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings, as well as to refuse to blame others for your own unhappiness. It is also the practice of seeing ourselves as having control over our own lives, rather than being at the receiving end of circumstances.
3. Discover Your Needs. This is the ongoing process of identifying for ourselves what makes us truly happy. You may want to review my post Was Napoleon Hill Wrong?
4. Centralize Your Goals. Creating a dream list is the happy person’s non-negotiable insistence on making that which creates happiness a central activity in life.
5. Turn Problems into Opportunities. Recasting is to change the form of something. Look at experiences in positive ways and change your problems into challenges.
6. Explore Options. Make the decision to approach life by being open to any new possibilities and take a flexible approach to life’s journey.
7. Express Appreciation. Communicating gratitude and giving thanks to the people around you daily brings happiness. For more on this valuable point read my post on The Power of Showing Your Appreciation
8. Share Unselfishly. The art of giving is the act of sharing one’s self with friends, community and the world at large without the expectation of a ‘return on investment.’
9. Be Truthful at All Times. Make a contract with yourself and design a means by which to check your thoughts and actions against your own internal, personal code. For more thoughts on the value of truthfulness, check out my blog: Being Honest With Ourselves
Though I’m fortunate that I have experienced a rewarding career and professional life, it’s not my achievements that are to be credited for my happiness and the outstanding quality of life I now enjoy. Rather, it’s the little decisions I consistently make each day—just like these—that continue to help me in my choice to be happy.
If you’ve never considered happiness as a choice before now, let me say again that I don’t think there has ever been a better time than now to begin choosing happiness. Will you commit to being intentional about making one of the choices listed above each day for the next nine days? I hope you will.
About the Author: Todd Smith is a successful entrepreneur of 29 years and founder of Little Things Matter. To receive Todd’s daily lessons, subscribe here. All Todd’s lessons are also available on iTunes as downloadable podcasts. (Todd’s podcasts are listed in America’s top 100 podcasts.)
Information obtained from www.littlethingsmatter.com.
Listen to this in Podcast Format!
Although it may be tempting to dismiss a call to happiness during this time of worldwide struggle and strife as overly optimistic or too simplistic, let me tell you now that I believe this is the perfect time for a reminder that when it comes to happiness, all of us have a choice.
In fact, choosing to be happy is one of the very few essential decisions that we get to keep regardless of age, stage of life, or present situation. It’s a decision that can’t be taken away, and no one else can make it for you.
Each one of us gets to choose, every single moment of every day, whether or not we decide to be happy.
It Pays to Be Happy
When we choose to be happy, the rewards are truly great. First and foremost, happy people are more likable and desirable to be around. Isn’t it amazing how we’re drawn to people with sunny dispositions? One of the many consequences of this phenomenon of human nature is that happy people regularly benefit from the enthusiastic help and cooperation of others.
Secondly, happy people consistently report an improved quality of life. They enjoy life and everything in it more than people who aren’t happy.
I can personally attest to the connection between happiness and improved quality of life. Many years ago, I decided that I would be intentional about choosing to be happy. I didn’t just say I wanted to be happy, I found out what I needed to do to make happiness a daily reality for me.
Nine Choices Happy People Make
In their book, How We Choose to Be Happy: The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People, authors Rick Foster and Greg Hicks present the results of interviews with happy people all over the world, from all walks of life. They found and wrote about nine specific choices commonly made by happy people. As you can see, most of these are things we already know about, and may even already practice.
The key, as I discussed in What is Easy to Do is Not Easy to Do, is to use your personal initiative to do the little things that are easy to do, and do them consistently. Here’s the list of choices that Foster and Hicks came up with:
1. Intend to Be Happy. This is the fully conscious decision to choose happiness over unhappiness. Check out Learn to Enjoy What You Don’t Enjoy.
2. Be Accountable. You make the choice to assume full personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings, as well as to refuse to blame others for your own unhappiness. It is also the practice of seeing ourselves as having control over our own lives, rather than being at the receiving end of circumstances.
3. Discover Your Needs. This is the ongoing process of identifying for ourselves what makes us truly happy. You may want to review my post Was Napoleon Hill Wrong?
4. Centralize Your Goals. Creating a dream list is the happy person’s non-negotiable insistence on making that which creates happiness a central activity in life.
5. Turn Problems into Opportunities. Recasting is to change the form of something. Look at experiences in positive ways and change your problems into challenges.
6. Explore Options. Make the decision to approach life by being open to any new possibilities and take a flexible approach to life’s journey.
7. Express Appreciation. Communicating gratitude and giving thanks to the people around you daily brings happiness. For more on this valuable point read my post on The Power of Showing Your Appreciation
8. Share Unselfishly. The art of giving is the act of sharing one’s self with friends, community and the world at large without the expectation of a ‘return on investment.’
9. Be Truthful at All Times. Make a contract with yourself and design a means by which to check your thoughts and actions against your own internal, personal code. For more thoughts on the value of truthfulness, check out my blog: Being Honest With Ourselves
Though I’m fortunate that I have experienced a rewarding career and professional life, it’s not my achievements that are to be credited for my happiness and the outstanding quality of life I now enjoy. Rather, it’s the little decisions I consistently make each day—just like these—that continue to help me in my choice to be happy.
If you’ve never considered happiness as a choice before now, let me say again that I don’t think there has ever been a better time than now to begin choosing happiness. Will you commit to being intentional about making one of the choices listed above each day for the next nine days? I hope you will.
About the Author: Todd Smith is a successful entrepreneur of 29 years and founder of Little Things Matter. To receive Todd’s daily lessons, subscribe here. All Todd’s lessons are also available on iTunes as downloadable podcasts. (Todd’s podcasts are listed in America’s top 100 podcasts.)
Information obtained from www.littlethingsmatter.com.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
5 Ways You Can Work Smarter Not Harder Now...
Daily LaunchTip: 5 Ways you can work smarter not harder now The Daily Launch - Ladies Who Launch
Growing up I was taught that hard work and long hours are rewarded. However over the years I have found that some of the most successful people actually work fewer hours, are more productive, take fabulous vacations and still have time to exercise daily without fail. This is because they’re “working smart,” not “hard.”
Here are the top 5 things I have learned from them:
1. Develop a routine that works for you, and not necessarily one that is obvious (in other words, if your most productive work hours are in the evenings, put structure around that and “own it.”). Prioritize and be disciplined. Don’t get distracted.
2. Don’t do everything, just the most important things. This requires a clear sense of what to follow through on and what to let slide. Successful people are absolute geniuses in this area. Find someone to model and carefully examine how they do it.
3. Do not procrastinate. Do the hardest, deadline driven activities first, then shift gears to the fun stuff.
4. Skip long winded conversations. Get to the point and stay there.
5. Do not over-delegate. Stay close to your business so you know exactly what to prioritize at any given moment. Maintain your passion for what you do and most of all, have fun!
Growing up I was taught that hard work and long hours are rewarded. However over the years I have found that some of the most successful people actually work fewer hours, are more productive, take fabulous vacations and still have time to exercise daily without fail. This is because they’re “working smart,” not “hard.”
Here are the top 5 things I have learned from them:
1. Develop a routine that works for you, and not necessarily one that is obvious (in other words, if your most productive work hours are in the evenings, put structure around that and “own it.”). Prioritize and be disciplined. Don’t get distracted.
2. Don’t do everything, just the most important things. This requires a clear sense of what to follow through on and what to let slide. Successful people are absolute geniuses in this area. Find someone to model and carefully examine how they do it.
3. Do not procrastinate. Do the hardest, deadline driven activities first, then shift gears to the fun stuff.
4. Skip long winded conversations. Get to the point and stay there.
5. Do not over-delegate. Stay close to your business so you know exactly what to prioritize at any given moment. Maintain your passion for what you do and most of all, have fun!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mother's Day!
I think Mother's Day has been one of my favorite days since I had my son in 1985...when I held in my arms for the first time and saw his beautiful little face...he had my heart forever. And then again in 1991 when my daughter came two months early and we almost lost her...her determination and will to live sealed my love for her for an eternity. Mother's Day is the day that you get to feel how much you mean to the those wonderful lives you brought into the world.
When the kids were little and I got the home made cards and gifts...the little kisses on the cheek over and over again with those sweet little voices whispering in your ear; " I love you Mommy!" those days will be in my memories and heart forever. Now that my son is 24 and my daughter 18 their celebration of Mother's Day is now more older and mature...you know an elegant dinner at a nice fancy restaurant with beautiful adult cards that tell you how much they love you and how much you mean to them...and even the gifts are now more mature.
I celebrated my 24th Mother's Day with my family and as always we ate at a wonderful restaurant and shared yet more memories. I have been blessed with two beautiful children who continue to make me proud to be their Mother!
When the kids were little and I got the home made cards and gifts...the little kisses on the cheek over and over again with those sweet little voices whispering in your ear; " I love you Mommy!" those days will be in my memories and heart forever. Now that my son is 24 and my daughter 18 their celebration of Mother's Day is now more older and mature...you know an elegant dinner at a nice fancy restaurant with beautiful adult cards that tell you how much they love you and how much you mean to them...and even the gifts are now more mature.
I celebrated my 24th Mother's Day with my family and as always we ate at a wonderful restaurant and shared yet more memories. I have been blessed with two beautiful children who continue to make me proud to be their Mother!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Reaching Common Goals!
Inspirational video that inspires a co-workers and business people to unite and work towards a common goal.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Daily LaunchTip: How we define ourselves impacts our happiness...
From Victoria Colligan, Founder, Ladies Who Launch
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Victoria Colligan Founder of Ladies Who Launch |
Over the years I’ve realized that when we define ourselves through one thing, we risk being disappointed by unmet expectations. Whether it’s your business, your marriage, your children or your exercise regimen, associating your identity too deeply with one aspect of your life can lead to a true identity crisis and result in unhappiness. In fact experts say that the more diverse and varied our interests and passions are, the happier we become, citing examples of happy people who have many facets to their lives. When I first started Ladies Who Launch, like many passionate new launchers, I deeply associated myself with its mission, the brand and the evolving community. However there were times when my enthusiasm backfired, causing me to be discouraged at the twists and turns in the road. Feeling discouraged is a negative energy drain and can start a downward spiral leading to bad choices and less than desirable results. Although hindsight is 20/20, if I could give any budding entrepreneur advice today, I’d say, cultivate and give equal attention to all aspects of your life that create positive energy feelings for you. When one thing is in turmoil, the others balance it out, giving you just the boost you need to handle tough times optimally.
Read the article online by clicking here!
Read the article online by clicking here!
Ladies Who Launch,
Self help,
Victoria Colligan
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Quote for the Day!
People will admire your talent, charisma and business skill but they will not trust you until you make time to be present for them emotionally as well as physically.
FISH! Philosophy
FISH! Philosophy
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Someone Called Her Unreasonable...
Someone called me unreasonable today. And after thinking about it awhile, I think they’re right!!
About Success…I am Being Unreasonable…
About Financial Freedom…I am Being Unreasonable…
About Choices for My Family…I am Being Unreasonable…
I’m being Unreasonable by:
Posted by Carrie Wilkerson, The Barefoot Executive
Online Business Strategy for At Home Professionals
About Success…I am Being Unreasonable…
About Financial Freedom…I am Being Unreasonable…
About Choices for My Family…I am Being Unreasonable…
I’m being Unreasonable by:
- Being Uncompromising – by sticking to my goals no matter what
- Being Demanding – by expecting more, not less, from everyone around me (and myself!)
- Being Critical – by changing old systems that just don’t work
- Being Outrageous – by creating my own Business Brain Trust of those who challenge and educate me
- Being Prepared – for real success on my terms
Posted by Carrie Wilkerson, The Barefoot Executive
Online Business Strategy for At Home Professionals
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
eWomenNetwork CEO Women's Success Imperative Panel
On Tuesday, March 23, 2010 eWomenNetwork members and guests met in Tampa for its annual visit from eWomenNetwork Founder, Sandra Yancey. She is an amazing woman and we love having her here in Tampa.
We met Monday night at Gold & Diamond Source, courtesy of Julie Weintraub for a VIP event to network and chat with Sandra. (Elizabeth, Sandra Yancey and Julie Weintraub)
Not only did we get to look at and try on beautiful jewelry we also got to network with some great women. Here I am with a great friend and business acquaintance, Michelle Griffith of Clearview Communications & PR Inc.
On Tuesday we met for lunch in Tampa for the CEO Women's Success Imperative Panel with Sandra Yancey and Tampa Members; Toni Sexton of Fusion Healthcare, Inc. and Marleen Geyen of The Geyen Group, Inc.
Great event...if you are not a member of an eWomenNetwork Chapter in your area...seek them out and meet some great business partners! Check them out at http://www.ewomennetwork.com/.
We met Monday night at Gold & Diamond Source, courtesy of Julie Weintraub for a VIP event to network and chat with Sandra. (Elizabeth, Sandra Yancey and Julie Weintraub)
Not only did we get to look at and try on beautiful jewelry we also got to network with some great women. Here I am with a great friend and business acquaintance, Michelle Griffith of Clearview Communications & PR Inc.
On Tuesday we met for lunch in Tampa for the CEO Women's Success Imperative Panel with Sandra Yancey and Tampa Members; Toni Sexton of Fusion Healthcare, Inc. and Marleen Geyen of The Geyen Group, Inc.
Great event...if you are not a member of an eWomenNetwork Chapter in your area...seek them out and meet some great business partners! Check them out at http://www.ewomennetwork.com/.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Dream Game...
Next time you are at a cocktail party, playgroup or the gym, try playing the “dream game”. The rules are as follows:
Ask your fellow woman enough questions about herself and her life until you get to the root of her dream, the idea she wants to launch, the business she has not yet started, the project that’s on hold. The bottom line is: Every woman has a dream...
Victoria Colligan, Founder, Ladies Who Launch.
Ask your fellow woman enough questions about herself and her life until you get to the root of her dream, the idea she wants to launch, the business she has not yet started, the project that’s on hold. The bottom line is: Every woman has a dream...
Victoria Colligan, Founder, Ladies Who Launch.
Living On Island Time...
I was fortunate enough to be able to break away from the office last Friday and fly down to Key Largo for the weekend to spend some time with my Aunt and Uncle who I adore. When I was a teenager my Aunt worked at our High School and her daughter who was a year older than me was my best friend so I spent many a day and night at their house.
It was so great to spend the weekend with them...I felt like I was 14-years old again and I have to admit it was quite comforting and relaxing to be away from the world and feel like you had no worries at all...You know there is a lot of truth to the phrase; "living on island time"...cause the only times you have to worry about are what time your flight comes in and what time it goes out. There are no other time restraints when you head to the Keys.
It was so great to spend the weekend with them...I felt like I was 14-years old again and I have to admit it was quite comforting and relaxing to be away from the world and feel like you had no worries at all...You know there is a lot of truth to the phrase; "living on island time"...cause the only times you have to worry about are what time your flight comes in and what time it goes out. There are no other time restraints when you head to the Keys.
Everyone needs a weekend like that once and a while to clear their mind and thoughts and forget about your responsibilities and cares. The water and the fresh ocean air were heavenly and to be able to sit out in the sun and feel the warmth on my skin after such a crazy winter was also heavenly.
I have to admit that while I did work almost the entire time I was there...it in no way felt like work. Catching up on my reading and writing while sitting out on the deck in your bikini catching some rays is the only way to work offsite!
I think the Keys and I will be seeing more of each other in the weekends to come this summer!
I have to admit that while I did work almost the entire time I was there...it in no way felt like work. Catching up on my reading and writing while sitting out on the deck in your bikini catching some rays is the only way to work offsite!
I think the Keys and I will be seeing more of each other in the weekends to come this summer!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Do you know the difference?
People often confuse mentoring and coaching. Though related, they are not the same. A mentor may coach, but a coach does not mentor. Mentoring is “relational,” while coaching is “functional.”
Okay, let’s talk about the differences:
Coaching is about…
Okay, let’s talk about the differences:
Coaching is about…
- Managers coaching their staff as a required part of the job.
- Coaching takes place within the confines of a formal manager-employee relationships.
- The focus is to develop individuals within their current job .
- The interest of the relationship is functional, arising out of a need for individuals to perform the tasks required to the best of their ability.
- Managers tend to initiate and drive the relationship.
- The relationship is finite, ending when an individual has learned what a coach is teaching.
- Mentoring occurs outside of a line manager-employee relationship, at the mutual consent of mentor and mentoree.
- It is career-focused on professional development that may be outside a mentoree's area of work.
- Relationships are personal - a mentor provides both professional and personal support.
- Relationships may be initiated by the mentoree.
- Relationships cross boundaries - mentoring on all areas of career development.
- Relationships usually last for a specified time period in a formal program or may continue over a long period of time, or lifetime.
How Insecure Are You?
"No matter how confident you are, your competence can never out weigh and over come your insecurity. It's only a matter of time before your insecurity will sabatoge your confidence" Success Magazine
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Another great quote from Success Magazine...
Be careful what you feed your brain. "What happens if you pour negative information in there, or positive information? You change the balance of your nature."
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Recession Benefits Women
Just received this email from Pink Magazine...Check out this article...would be interested in hearing your thoughts... http://bit.ly/96fKLr
Monday, January 25, 2010
How Do You Want To Be Remembered?
This is an interesting question that someone asked me recently...actually stopped me dead in my tracks because it was not something that I could answer quickly...and I wondered why I had to stop and think about what the answer would be...so here it is:
What legacy would you like to leave behind? When you are no longer on this earth or no longer at your current job; what do you want people to remember about you...what would you like to be remembered for?
What legacy would you like to leave behind? When you are no longer on this earth or no longer at your current job; what do you want people to remember about you...what would you like to be remembered for?
"There’s a little truth behind every ‘just kidding’, a little curiosity behind every ‘just wondering’, a little knowledge behind every ‘I don’t know’, and a little emotion behind every ‘I don’t care'.''
Friday, January 8, 2010
Chicago in the Winter?
Who in the heck goes to Chicago in the middle of the winter? I know..right...nuts! So I get in on Tuesday and early this morning the snow started....it hasn't stopped all day and now at 10:45PM it is still crazy snowing! Oh well...sometimes we just have to do what we have to do...
We are in the middle of a conversion with a company in Chicago and so my Business Manager and I braved the cold to do some on-site training for the new processers. Dealing with the cold and the snow has really not been a problem and our gracious hosts have been a joy to spend the week with.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year - Make 2010 Your Best Ever!
Today is the first day of 2010…did you stay up last night and ring in the New Year? I hate to admit it…but I was in bed…I know…sad right? I have never been much on ringing in the New Year…if I make it till midnight it is usually very low key and at home.
I love that people celebrate the New Year with hats, horns, music and fireworks…we love new beginnings, don’t we? It’s the chance for a ‘do over’…the chance to get rich this year…the opportunity to finally make it work… The New Year has always been a self inflicted dose of motivation for many, many people. It’s their chance of saying its okay to start over and I am going to do better this year!
I think we all agree that this New Year probably means more to us than most; Americans need a new year…we need a new start…its time to release all the negative that happened in 2009 and get everything back on track. I know many suffered great losses in 2009 and are still struggling and my prayers go out to them. I thank God everyday for my blessings and my life…my family who loves and supports me every single day…my friends who guide my direction, support my passions and love me without judgment and the people that I work with who care and make my work possible.
I hope you smile more this year…and laugh when you see something funny. Love more and be open to what comes your way. Don’t be afraid of being hurt or failing…if you love someone…tell them…if you need something…get it. 2010 is my year for being silly when I want to be and taking advantage of every single moment I have…what are you going to allow yourself this year?
So if you did make those New Years Resolutions for a new and improved year…stick with them this time…make 2010 a different year than any of the rest because I think that 2010 is going to be a special year for all of us!
I love that people celebrate the New Year with hats, horns, music and fireworks…we love new beginnings, don’t we? It’s the chance for a ‘do over’…the chance to get rich this year…the opportunity to finally make it work… The New Year has always been a self inflicted dose of motivation for many, many people. It’s their chance of saying its okay to start over and I am going to do better this year!
I think we all agree that this New Year probably means more to us than most; Americans need a new year…we need a new start…its time to release all the negative that happened in 2009 and get everything back on track. I know many suffered great losses in 2009 and are still struggling and my prayers go out to them. I thank God everyday for my blessings and my life…my family who loves and supports me every single day…my friends who guide my direction, support my passions and love me without judgment and the people that I work with who care and make my work possible.

So if you did make those New Years Resolutions for a new and improved year…stick with them this time…make 2010 a different year than any of the rest because I think that 2010 is going to be a special year for all of us!
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