Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are You A Complainer?

According to FISH!, "complaining focuses on the past, not productive solutions for the future. Coaching begins with the present and focuses on the future actions that will create a better result or process."

I don't know about you but when someone starts complaining I totally shut down. Don't get me wrong...I want to know if there is a problem but what I don't want to hear is someone complaining about a problem. My theroy is...if you find a problem and truly are unhappy with something - find a solution! Bring the solution to the table not just the problem. Your team will respect a leader who shows up with solutions not just problems.

Engage those that work with you to do the same. Encourage solutions when they bring problems to you. When someone tells you that this is not working, ask them; "how would you do this differently."

How do you deal with people that complain? Give us some examples of how to turn a complainer around.

1 comment:

ellenypurviance said...

I REALLY liked that comment. I can't stand it when people are constantly complaining about whatever is going on in their life and always saying "woe is me." As we've all heard, misery loves company. The thing is, everybody has problems, and it's just a matter of whether a person is going to spread the negativity like a disease by complaining or if they're going to take the high road and calmly look at the situation and proactively try to come up with ways to handle it. Obviously the person who practices the latter will have a higher quality of life.