Music means everything in the world to me...it transports me to places, times, people, events, special moments but most importantly feelings. I can hear a song and instantly put a memory with it...sometimes good and sometimes sad. Each one is special because those events and times have made me who I am today.
There are special songs that stir feelings within my heart and soul that can instantly make me smile or bring tears to my eyes. There are times when my heart speeds up and I instantly can feel the pain and sadness or I can be in the best place ever when I hear specifc ones. They each have a personal meaning to me or tell a story that intertwines with my life and passions.
I enjoy spending time searching for songs that move me, take me back to a younger time or introduce me to someone new, something new....something exciting and alive. Music lets me say or express emotions that sometimes I might have trouble conveying. Have you ever heard a song that says everything you want to say to someone?
Music can literally move you to a different place and time...if you close your eyes...the music can make it all feel so real again. Then there is the music that has certain levels and octaves that can literally give me goose bumps and bring a certain energy; almost like a small level of electricity running through your body. What about the music that has a beat that literally begins to move your body...bringing out even more expression and freedom.
What does music mean to you?
1 comment:
I have a love for music and I appreciate music of all genres. I not only love the melody but most importantly the lyrics. I can relate to your blog on so many levels. It pretty much expresses what music means to me that I've never thought to describe. When a song has an impact on me, it makes me think... Think what was the writer feeling, thinking when they wrote the song.
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