Motivation is a powerful tool for a woman. Have you ever been to an all women’s meeting or conference? The power within that room when women get pumped up is enough to rule the world and I mean that literally. There is nothing that a woman can’t do when she is motivated.
But many people will agree that motivating is the easy part; following through can sometimes be the difficult part. Motivation will quickly die if it’s not acted upon. We can listen to a great speaker or come up with a great idea and we are extremely motivated but then something happens and we loose that motivation. Is it because we don’t follow through or take action? Most of the time yes, when you feel motivated about something, you are on the cuff of taking action to do something. Taking action is what leads to excitement and passion when we accomplish the action.
As a leader you have to understand how to recognize, create and empower motivation. The power that a woman can harness through motivation is actually mind boggling and helping women focus their new ideas and passions is truly a gift. This is a gift that I am blessed to have.
“Elizabeth pays attention to detail, and is one of those rare people who can actually see another person's vision. From the start I was able to tell that she would help me with my dream, and she did just that.”
Jonathon S.
Motivating starts with helping people find what excites them; what makes that energy inside of them explode. Everyone that has ever worked with me in my leadership teams has completed personal and professional goals. I know that sounds cheesy but it truly is important and some women have never been allowed to think about themselves or their dreams. This gives you the license to dream. Richard, my coach once asked me to do a special project for him that I found a little hard to complete at the time. He asked me to pretend that I was 90-years old and going to a special reception to honor myself; to write my own tribute. So ask yourself, at 90-years old what is that you want to accomplish and how do you want people to remember you. What impact do you want to make in this world? Let me tell you something…if that doesn’t get you motivated to fulfill your goals I don’t know what will.
Learn how to motivate yourself; don’t rely on others to create your motivation. A true leader empowers herself and motivates internally through the people she moves with, being a self-learner through books, workshops and conferences. When you depend on someone else to motivate you, you give up your own internal motivation and then you have a dependency which is controlled by someone else. Motivate yourself and learn to use external sources to build on what you already have.
When people see how deeply you care and how passionate you are, that motivation becomes infectious. There is a saying that you should surround yourself with positive people. This couldn’t be truer – people want to be around you because you excite them, you bring out the creative thinker within them and you help people build their dreams. So follow these tips to help you get motivated and dream:
Write a tribute to yourself and include your dreams and goals. Remember anything is attainable if you want it bad enough.
Next take time to put your goals and plan down on paper. It helps to keep them in a journal so you can write in it as you move through your journey. Remember your life changes and so will your goals. You may find something that you wanted previously is no longer important to you. Don’t be afraid to change your goals.
Challenge and motivate yourself by attending conferences that focus about creativity and empowering you. Books are another great way to continue to keep you excited.
And one of the most important is to act on your motivation and goals. Stay energized and work your plan. As you progress the passion builds and so does the accomplishment.
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