All of us flounder at times when asked what we want to do with our lives; what are your goals?
Even as successful as I feel on most days I still feel confused about where I am and what I want. Last month on my way to Vegas I traveled with one of my Managers and we were discussing a book written by Jack Canfield; life goals. She told me she was having a hard time putting her goals into words because “I want to do it all…” was her response to me. I sat back in my seat and turned my head to look out the window. A big smile crossed my face and I sighed…broad goals for such a young woman. That excites me…this is why she works with me. Although as much as that answer made me smile a part of me felt a tinge of concern. While it is awesome to be open about setting goals they are still necessary otherwise we loose focus and direction. We tend to wonder off track and before we know it we have accomplished nothing.
If you were to ask me what I want to be when I grow up I would tell you that I honestly don’t know…so how do you make goals when you don’t know what you want? I have always been open to what the universe has brought my way. I have never been disappointed in any of the challenges and opportunities that have come my way; I have learned and grew in ways that I never would have imagined. I have been blessed to meet and work with some of the most creative minds.
In my openness I have found that people gravitate toward me for different reasons. Through vision, creativity and the ability to motivate I draw like minded people into my life. I have the ability to see other people’s visions and goals; having the innate skill of helping them focus to make things happen. My driving force is to make other people’s dreams not just a possibility but a definite reality.
This is not my job…this is not what I get paid to do…but this is my passion. The ability to brainstorm with someone about their dreams and ideas puts me in a totally different universe. The ability to take someone’s ideas and help them create and design a vision…how exciting is that? I can create that excitement and motivation that kick starts people and moves them to action. Helping them create a blue print / their plan and then helping them be accountable to themselves.
One of the things I am able to do is to take someone’s excitement in a conversation and totally put them in a place where they want to create action. The more excited they become the more I feed on that excitement and we push into places…good places and sometimes painful but always somewhere that drives action to change or succeed.
So how do you define goals when they hinge on other people? My happiness depends on other people’s dreams…creativity drives my passion and heart. While having a conversation with an old client who still calls me to talk ideas and suggestions through…he joked at the end of our conversation that I would always be his Muse….his guiding spirit and source of inspiration. He said when he is stuck or needs that push he always knows who to call to get him ‘stoked’ about his ideas and his own self-confidence to make it happen.
Those are big shoes to fill…but there you have my driving force…in one short and to the point sentence…what is your driving force? What is your passion that drives you to accomplish things in your life?
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