Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ribbons of Health

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month...everywhere you look you see ribbons of pink. In clothing, magnets on cars, magazines and even recyclable grocery bags. Breast Cancer is real and its devastation wreaks havoc in many women’s lives as well as their families.

A woman’s body is the core of our being. It is a vehicle for us to be many things. From a young woman, to a wife and then being blessed with children; the body of a woman has such important jobs. Our self-esteem normally revolves around how we feel about our bodies. Are we too fat, too skinny? Are we working out and eating healthy? Do the men in our lives think we are sexy or still sexy after 40?

I was impressed with Glamour Magazine; not only in their October issue but also in the new November issue. The article “Oh. wow. these bodies are beautiful” was breathtaking. Not only did they feature women with curves and imperfections but the beauty in the women set a preference of what the definition of gorgeous really means.

Women are not defined by the shapes of their hips or the curves of their breasts. We are defined by how we feel about our bodies; the way we present our body image. Having a healthy body does not mean you are super thin...what it does mean is that you  take care of yourself, eat healthy and try to put some exercise into your daily life. The results leave you physically stronger and loaded with much more energy. Creating a positive attitude and bringing that forward in your life each and every day helps you respect your body and all the great things it does for you.

So as we continue to support our sisters who fight breast cancer; fight for yourself too. Fight for your right to remain healthy and be proud of your body. Don’t let society dictate what a perfect body looks like...look in the mirror; it’s starring right at you.

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