Friday, October 9, 2009

What Have You Done?

What have you done in the past week to improve so that you are better this week than you were last week? That is a tough question for some to answer because many are happy with mediocre and don't push themselves on a daily basis to be better.

It's interesting to me when people tell me that I need to slow down. I think if I slowed down I would die. Living life to the fullest; working to improve myself; building and getting new and better results…that is just part of who I am. It is my DNA…I can’t take it away and I can’t change it. (Not that I want to.)

But if you were to really ask yourself what improvements you have made to yourself, your life, your family, friends, etc to help improve or make the situation or relationship better what would you say? Are you putting yourself out there into unfamiliar territory where it might not feel comfortable? Or as some would say…are you stepping outside the box?

Stepping out of the box or your comfort zone is how we grow. When we take risks to try something new we ultimately grow and learn from it; whether it turns out to be a mistake or not. Putting yourself out there is not always hard, there are easy steps that you can take that help you improve and grow. For instance, I read a new book every week. I have paperback books, hardback books, e-books and even my Amazon Kindle that is loaded with books. I have so many books waiting to be read…people just shake their head at me. But reading is important to me…I learn from reading and I grow by applying.

Continually keeping an eye on your goals and focusing on your outcomes helps you move forward. When you loose focus on what you really want you loose your sense of balance and life goes on auto pilot. Auto pilot is where mediocre comes into play…you are not involved in your own life…you are allowing life to drive you with other peoples dreams and ideas instead of your own.

So answering the question that I asked when we first started could include answers such as reading a new book, applying a new principle to your business or personal relationships, pumping up or changing around your work out routine. If you make it a point to record your accomplishments you will see huge differences as the weeks go by…and all those little steps you took each week will end the year with a new, more focused and better individual than before.

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